Looking Back: 2/29/2020
- Church Leap Day Party – Success! We finally got to see the new church building, which is huge, and would be a wonderful home for JUC.
- Prune the fruit trees – Check. Huge thanks to the hubby for getting started on this project. James Prigioni’s video on how to prune an apple tree gave us the confiedence to take care of our poor neglected dwarf apple. See the before and after below.
- Work on our February Value+Money Report – Didn’t happen. I worked on my rental budget some more, but this will be delayed.
- BONUS: Went to the Habitat for Humanity Re-Store and got a lot of ideas for the rental house.
Looking Forward: 3/1/2020
- Go to church, and see if it will be recharging.
- See RENT with my housemate. The tickets were a Christmas present, and I’m stoked to see this show live.
I’m only setting the expectation of these two things today. Yesterday I had a mental health episode that’s left me really drained. If I get anything else accomplished, it’s a huge win.