Looking Back: 3/1/2020
- Go to church – check. During the service we tried Toning, humming in concert with a tone from striking a crystal bowl. That experience was both overwelming and hugely aligning. I don’t remember much from the homily, but the toning made an impact.
- See RENT with my housemate. 525,600 minutes, how do you measure a year in the life? Live musicals are amazing, and this cast was such high energy. I’m really glad that I knew the movie and the score, but it was so great to see it live! Live performances are so much more valuable than the recordings. As a special bonus there was a brass band performing right outside.
- BONUS: I found a new theme for this blog, which does what I want it to do mostly, right off the get go!
- BONUS: YNAB Reconciliation. After I got home from the theater, my hubby decided to start the monthly reconciliation of YNAB. We pull in any pending credit card transactions, fill any overspending in the previous month, and go through and see if there are any overages that we can rebudget. It’s good bonding time and it puts us on the same page of our finances.
I’m really glad that I kept my daily expecations low. Yesterday, I felt like I was moving through quicksand. I’m not very good about giving myself grace, and that’s a self-defeating behavior when I’m recovering from a mental health episode.
Looking Forward: 3/2/2020
- Check out the Mercado on South Federal. Ever since my instant pot made black beans a lot less intimidating, I’m going to see where I can find them for cheap, and I LOVE going to grocery stores. Dry beans and rice are a great staple for “stocking up in case the coronovirus makes us stay inside.” If you’re starting to feel increased anxiety from this potential pandemic, read this Scientific American blog post about how to prepare.
- Call about the energy audit on the rental property. This energy audit will make a new stream of financing available, which will hopefully have a big impact on things.
- Pupusas with a friend for dinner!