The 34 Day Reset

We don’t often do budget challenges, but after seeing our savings rate, I was particularly susceptible to You Need a Budget’s 34 Day Reset. It took a little doing, but I was also able to get Mr. FIVE on board too!

The Challenge only has three rules: 1) Track every transaction; 2)Only the Essentials; and 3) No Dining Out.

We agreed that whatever savings we found during the challenge would be split three ways: 50% to our travel fund and 50% to our free spending categories. (I was leaning toward more rebuilding our Emergency Fund, but Mr. FIVE was only interested if there was a personal bonus. Lesson learned – want to save money, make sure there is a dividend attached!)

The Essentials

The first rule of tracking everything was easy, because we already track everything in YNAB. Figuring out the Essentials was a bit trickier. We decided to fund our categories as usual. All of our bills, mortgages, recurring charges and donations we left untouched. We committed to putting off anything optional until after the challenge. Groceries was the biggest area of uncertainty. Food is necessary, but do we have to spend $125 a week? I decided that we would meal plan and only buy the groceries that the meal plan required.

No Dining Out

Did you hear that? That was Mr. FIVE’s cry of anguish. When we first got together, he was spending $800 a month on dining out. Nowadays, we are spending about $400 a month. The convenience factor is so big in our lives right now. It’s also been our way of supporting some of the businesses that we love in the pandemic. However, last year we were averaging eating out four times a week. We could benefit from a reset.

The Stretch: 34 Things in 34 Days

Wouldn’t it be cool if I could use this challenge to knock out some of those pesky financial tasks that I’ve been meaning to get around to? Here’s my list of ideas:

  1. Call USAA to reset insurance on the Salon Rental
  2. Find a renter for the Salon
  3. Cancel Canva Subscription
  4. Cancel Board Game Arena Subscription
  5. Seal windows with plastic
  6. Find a CPA to do our taxes
  7. Submit Income Certification for student loan recalculation
  8. Switch my cell phone from Verizon to Visible
  9. Call\l USAA about decreasing our Car Insurance coverage
  10. Figure out the work reimbursement process
  11. Cash out Venmo
  12. Cash out credit card rewards
  13. Cancel recurring political donations
  14. Submit receipts for Mr. FIVE’s therapist to insurance
  15. Submit receipts for my therapist to insurance
  16. Order all groceries for pickup
  17. Move money from Checking to Savings
  18. Do 4 hours of Instacart
  19. Cost out 5 meals
  20. Shop the pantry one week and pay no more than $30 for necessities
  21. Submit Employer Certification forms for PSLF
  22. Schedule a Health Coaching Session for $30 with BCBS (They would pay me!)
  23. Cancel Consumer Reports Subscription
  24. Cancel our compost service at the bungalow
  25. Move all surplus products to the Canning Pantry to reduce unnecessary purchases
  26. Replace Jimmy Dean Eggwich breakfast sandwiches by making egg bake and quiches instead
  27. Price out prescriptions at Costco vs. Walgreens
  28. Call Blue Cross Blue Shield about Specialist Charges – Let’s find out what is copay and what is deductible
  29. ?
  30. ?
  31. ?
  32. ?
  33. ?
  34. ?

Maybe 34 things is a stretch, but I’m hoping I can figure it out!