D3 – March 6, 2020

Did you notice that there wasn’t a D3 yesterday? I write these posts to encourage the aggregation of marginal gains, as the Choose FI community says. Yesterday, there wasn’t a D3, because I started writing a blog about my most recent work in the nonprofit sector. I believe strongly that nonprofit staff and leaders need the principles of FI, but my brain shut down just writing it. You see, I left my job thanks to a severe bout of PTSD, which has taken four months and counting to recover from. The same thing happened when I started writing a post about Public Service Loan Forgiveness. So obviously, I’m not quite ready for that.

Looking Back: 3/4 and 3/5, 2020

  • House Admin: Laundry and dishes are done. The house always feels more relaxed after this point.
  • Mins Game – Days 1, 2, and 3 are caught up. 30, 29, and 28 items removed from the office collectively. I’m starting to get a bit stuck, so I’m going to start digital decluttering as well. My laptop is always in the office anyway.
  • Instacart: I signed up for Insta Cart and they’re sending me a prepaid credit card to start making purchases.
  • The Search for a Soda Stream: I visited 6 thrift shops looking for a used Soda Stream machine. We’re going through cans of seltzer like its going out of style. #sendhelp. I’m thinking if we make our own, it will be much more managable of a habit, and better for the planet too. So far, no luck. Any thoughts on where to look?

Looking Forward: 3/6/2020

  • I’m going to look for jobs with the JobSpotter App in Downtown Arvada
  • I’m going to blog and work on my website from the Arvada library. Libraries always make me happy.
  • I’ll sign up for Rev.com transcription services.